We have been busy lining up our guests for Season 2, and we’re excited to launch our first episode mid November in celebration of the first anniversary of the Upcycled Food Association.

This season we’ll digging deeper into topics like innovation and technology, new upcycled food products, problem solving and processes designed to make upcycling more efficient, food justice and equity, and we’ll be taking it global to find out what they are doing in other countries with food waste and upcycling.
What is the official definition of Upcycled Food?
"Upcycled foods use ingredients that otherwise would not have gone to human consumption, are procured and produced using verifiable supply chains, and have a positive impact on the environment."
How can you get involved?
Become a part of the new food revolution!
By listening to these podcasts and sharing them with others you can be a part of positive change we all can have on our food system, environment, and the food economy.
Have you eaten anything upcycled?
Let us know what you have tried and what you thought. You can leave a comment on this post.
Thanks to our Sponsors and Production Team:
NETZRO, SBC - www.netzro.us
Upcycled Food Association - www.upcycledfood.org
Produced by Hi-Fly'n Productions www.hiflyn.com
Executive Producer | Host: Kevin May
Associate Producer: Amy Gilbert
Creative Development: Sue Marshall